Longwood Class Rings: A gift that symbolizes your student’s life-changing experience

If you’re still looking for a special holiday gift for your student, you might want to consider a Longwood class ring.

A class ring is a tangible representation of all the hard work and dedication your student has put into their academic journey—and so much more.

Many students say that Longwood feels like home, and many Longwood alumni still feel that way 10, 20 or even 50 years later. Decades from now, a class ring will remind your student of the lifelong friendships they formed here, the faculty who helped them realize their potential and the experiences that helped shape them into citizen leaders.

Best of all, Longwood’s annual Ring Ceremony in the Rotunda gives you and your family the opportunity to share that special moment when your student receives their ring and puts it on their finger for the first time.

During the ceremony, class rings are presented to students as they hear from one of Longwood’s top administrators and from a representative of the Alumni Board. Following the ceremony, students and their families are invited to the Rotunda for photos.

You can view ring designs and order online here now. Those ordering a class ring by Feb. 6, 2025, will be invited to participate in the Ring Ceremony, which is set for Saturday, March 29, 2025, from 12:30-2 p.m. in the Rotunda.

Your student also can meet with a Balfour representative in the first floor lounge of the Upchurch University Center from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Jan. 28 and Jan. 29. Students can look at ring options, find their ring size and order their ring in plenty of time to be invited to the Ring Ceremony.

—Sabrina Brown