Less than a month from now many of you will be moving your students into their Longwood-managed residence hall or apartment. Move-in is set for Aug. 18-22.
I know some of you have this process down to a science, and I’ve seen you sharing your expertise on the Longwood parents Facebook page. I know your fellow parents are extremely grateful for your help.
The move-in schedule is designed to minimize crowds and traffic as much as possible, but let’s be honest, moving a student into a campus residence can be hard work. It probably will be hot, there will be a lot of people and, on top of that, it will probably be a little emotional. Saying good-bye to your “baby” can be hard, even if they are (mostly) all grown up.

Having a smooth move-in means having a plan, and having a plan depends on having good information.
So here are answers to some FAQs about what to do—and what not to do—for move-in, as well as some helpful links and contact information for the Residential and Commuter Life office.
Q: When can my student move in?
A: That depends. Below is a pared-down, basic schedule. Be sure to check for your student’s specific date(s) and time(s), which are based on their individual housing assignment and status. Your student received an individualized email with this information. That information and more also can be found in an online, printable info sheet here.
—New Students in Johns and Moss Halls: Aug. 18-19
Specific dates and times are determined by the student’s housing assignment.
—New Students in Wheeler (non-Honors students), Sharp and Register Halls: Aug. 19
—Transfer and Readmitted Students in Residence Halls and Longwood Apartments: Aug. 19-22
—Continuing Students in Residence Halls: Aug. 20-22
—Continuing Students in Longwood Apartments: Aug. 20-22
Q: What if my student can’t move in at their designated date/time?
A: Early arrival is limited to certain groups of students, but your student can move in after their designated date/time. Notify Residential and Commuter Life in writing at housing@longwood.edu of your planned arrival date/time.
Q: Where is the unloading area for my student’s residence hall/apartment complex?
A: Each residence hall and Longwood-managed apartment complex has a specific unloading area. Directions to each unloading area can be found here.

Q: How many family members and friends can help my student move in?
A: Students are encouraged to limit assistance from family and friends to three helpers in an effort to promote social distancing. Everyone participating in move-in should bring their own face coverings, gloves and other safety items (PPE).

Q: Will there be any volunteers from Longwood helping with move-in?
A: To uphold social distancing and safety, the university will not be providing volunteers to help new students moving into main campus housing.
Q: Will the university provide carts or dollies for move-in?
A: Due to Covid-19 sanitation requirements, these items will not be provided. Families are encouraged to bring their own dollies or carts.

Q: Are there any items that are not allowed in Longwood-managed housing?
A: For safety and other reasons, there are some items that students are not allowed to bring on campus. The “What Not To Bring” list can be found here. You’ll also find lists with suggestions for what you can and should bring. Please be sure to check these lists BEFORE packing.
Q: How long are we allowed to remain in the unloading area? Where should we move our car after unloading? Is it OK to park in lots of nearby businesses?
A: As soon as your car is unloaded, you should move it immediately to the designated parking area for your student’s residence hall or apartment complex. This allows others to advance into the unloading area. Directions to the designated parking area for each residence hall and apartment complex can be found here. There will be staff on site to assist with directing families where to unload and park. Do not park in private business lots. Towing is enforced.

Q. What if my student has not paid all of their tuition or fees prior to move-in?
A. You can make your final payment on move-in day, but it must be before your student unloads and checks in. If your student has an outstanding university balance when you arrive for move-in, enter campus at Wynne Drive and take the provided shuttle from the Wynne Parking Lot to Student Accounts and Financial Aid to complete the payment process. This will prevent you from experiencing interruptions during check-in. If at all possible, it’s best to make sure your student’s balance has been paid before move-in day.
Additional information about move-in can be found here.
If you still have questions, feel free to call Residential and Commuter Life at 434-395-2080 or email housing@longwood.edu.
We’re counting the days until our students are back on campus!
—Sabrina Brown