It’s going to be a busy few days for your Lancers. If you’re wondering what your students are up to—aside from studying, of course—here are a few ways they may be spending their time.
This afternoon, students will be treating children who live at at Parkview Gardens Apartments to an early Halloween Trunk or Treat. The event is organized and sponsored by Beyond the Numbers, a group of students who several years ago began working with children at the complex to provide extra help with homework, enrichment activities and a connection with a college student who encourages them to work hard at school.
Also this afternoon, students can hear about the everyday usefulness of math at a talk by a Virginia Credit Union representative and 2009 Longwood alum at the Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium Series. The talk is aptly titled “I’ll Never Use This … .”

Tonight, Longwood’s Wind Symphony will present a campus concert featuring faculty and student soloists as well as Longwood’s Camerata and Chamber singers.
Tomorrow there’s a Pumpkin Fest put on by Lancer Productions that’s billed as “pumpkin-themed fun for everyone.” Lancer Productions is a student group that brings entertainment to campus.

Saturday activities start early with “Breakfast at Ethel’s,” an open house for the Lambda Delta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority that includes breakfast. Longwood recognizes 23 national Greek-letter fraternities and sororities.
Later Saturday morning students can help out with cleaning up trash in the floodplain and forest located behind the Lancer Park residential complex. The event is sponsored by Clean Virginia Waterways, which is affiliated with Longwood.

There’s also an Around the World 5K sponsored by Longwood Global Leaders. It’s not a competitive race but actually a cultural event that will give students the chance to learn about countries around the world at water stations along the trail.
Finally, on Saturday evening, the Longwood Honors Choir and other vocal ensembles will join with students from several area school districts to present a concert on campus.
So, if your student says there’s nothing to do, you’ll have some activities to suggest. Information about all the events above—and many more—is available in the weekly email that goes out to all students every Thursday.
—Sabrina Brown