Exams are wrapping up, and your Lancer will be home for the holidays soon, if they’re not already.
It’s a fun time of the year, but also hectic and, for some, stressful. So Longwood provided several days of “de-stressing” activities before and during exam week. These included
—Study Paws, where faculty and staff bring their canine friends to campus for students to pet and cuddle

—Late Night Breakfast, an event for all students, regardless of whether or not they have a meal plan, where faculty and staff volunteer to serve food and to help clean up afterwards
—Chair massages
—Taco bars and s’mores
—Craft making and puzzles
In between studying for and taking those exams, students squeezed some holiday cheer into their schedules. Holiday-themed events included
—Caroling in the Rotunda and Greenwood Library
—Peformances by student vocal and instrumental ensembles for the annual Holiday Dinner music scholarship fund-raiser

—The Grand Illumination in the Rotunda
—Gingerbread crafts and holiday movies
I hope you enjoy the photos below!
—Sabrina Brown