Group Counseling and Workshops Can Help Your Student Handle Challenges

Whether it’s the stress of exams, a difficult relationship breakup or homesickness, it’s not unusual for college students to experience challenges they need help to handle more successfully.

At Longwood, students can find that help through skill-building workshops and group counseling sessions offered by CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services).

CAPS is located on the upper level of the Health and Fitness Center.
Phone: 434-395-2409

Each student first meets with a psychologist or counselor for a 30-minute initial consultation. In that meeting, students can talk about their concerns, and  the psychologist or counselor will ask questions to help clarify the situation.  At the end of the consultation, a referral to the workshops or a group will be made, if therapeutically warranted.

Counseling Workshops
Workshops are a rotating series of three skill-building sessions that cover mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation and distress tolerance. Students will learn skills to become more aware of their inner thought processes, improve their relationships with others, manage changing emotional states and cope with times when their emotions are high. If you think your student would be interested in the workshops, encourage them to contact Dr. Jenny Glass.

CAPS also provides three group counseling opportunities. Groups meet weekly; individual counseling is provided every other week.

The benefits of group counseling are many:
–Students learn that they are not alone with their concerns
–Group members receive support from peers and benefit from helping their peers
–Group members see that others with similar concerns have improved
–Group members learn more effective coping strategies

Advanced Skills Group
If your student has completed the counseling workshops and is interested in learning more advanced skills, CAPS offers a group that focuses on emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness and distress tolerance, all incorporating mindfulness. Group members also share their experiences with these skills and gain/provide feedback about personal matters. If you think your student would be interested in this group, encourage them to email or call the CAPS office. 

Stress and Anxiety Management Group
This group is designed for students who have symptoms related to stress and anxiety and are seeking support and strategies to cope more effectively. In the group, students can gain support and constructive feedback from other students who struggle with problems related to stress/anxiety. Counselors will present psychoeducational information related to stress/anxiety. If you think your student would be interested in this group, please encourage them to contact contact Dr. David Davino.

ACT Group
This weekly support group is a longstanding collaboration between CAPS and the Office of Disability Resources (ODR). The group is open to any student who has registered with ODR.  The Advocacy, Communication and Transition Group (ACT) provides a safe and supportive place for students to openly share concerns, discuss issues, and gain specific skills and strategies to meet personal goals and receive support and encouragement.  If you think your student would be interested in this group, please encourage them to contact Madeline Schutt or Dr. Maureen Walls-McKay. 

More information about the workshops and group counseling can be found at